A different mindset on a new release is well noticed through R&B artist Larein's latest single "Silly" where she provides deep situations in terms of seeking for help to get a person back up from their darkest times. Additionally, Larein also brings out the important message of her latest single with blended harmony to the seriousness off her single.
It's more than just a single. "Silly" brings out an important message.

Check Out Larein's Interview below where She breaks down the concepts of her latest single "Silly":
News For People: What would you want people to know about your new single “Silly”?
Larein: When I wrote silly I was in such a dark space and I was literally fighting for my life I just want people to know that it’s okay to ask for help it’s okay to be vulnerable it’s okay to believe in something greater than you … I can’t force people to have faith but God truly pulled me out and enlighten me the lyrthe song was originally “ searching for God “ but I changed it to something people might understand better but God is still Love.
News For People: What is the inspiration behind your new single?
Larein: My inspiration was my future … I needed to find a way to put my feelings into my art and I needed to fight for my future self.
News For People: Is there an album in the works that people can expect?
Larein: Yes I’m working on a 13 song project I have no idea when this will be finished or when I will start promoting it but I definitely have things in store.
News For People: How is your new single different from your previous single “Take Kare”?
Larein: I would say that this new single is much more vulnerable I’m singing about who can help me and where do I go who do I go to when I’m sad and wen I’m heart broken or depressed or anxious in take Kare I was singing about being over it and moving on but nobody talks about the moving on process and how miserable and sad it makes you feel … moving on from any situation that u were fond of is never easy.
News For People: How did you expect your supporters to react to your new release?
Larein: I wasn’t expecting people to like it because I feel that music like this have a specific audience and I’ve been trying to build that I want to make more music where I can be 100 percent vulnerable and I want people to understand and relate to what I’m singing about.
News For People: How would you describe your new single?
Larein: I would describe it as a movie. It’s very different and euphoric and just dramatic and big I love it.
News For People: Will there be a music video in the works prior to your new single?
Larein: Yes I am still working on the video for silly I’m just being held up by so many things but I wanted to drop the song first The video will be epic and it will also show the beginning of the first song on my album.
News For People: What else can people expect from you as an artist?
Larein: I just want people to see that I’m versatile and that I’m really trying my hardest to step out of the box I expect people to not expect anything specific from me.
News For People: Anything else you would like to add?
Larein: I just want to thank you for interviewing me and I just want to say I appreciate anyone and everyone who listened to my art thank you.
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