Actions continues in the fight for ending police brutality against African Americans as Minneapolis' Department of Human Rights and the city council is anticipated to reach an agreement of a plan that bans the use of chokeholds by police, and moving forward, it will be mandatory for an officer to report followed by instructing that an officer should step in if they notice another officer suggests non-approval force.
The agreement will be proceed to court as it's an order for all officers as their demanded to issue a report to their superior or commander superior, of a neck restrain or chokehold, if another officer uses non-approval force, according to USA Today. Furthermore, officers are also instructed to also act, verbally or physically, if they see recognize another officer a force that's disallowed.

Furthermore, the agreement reveals that permission from officer commanders or appointed deputy chief is mandatory for usage of crowd control weapons, including chemical agents, rubber bullets, flash bangs, buttons, and making rounds.
It goes into detail that expanded decisions are required more time o decision-making on restricting cops. The votes was held today based on changes of the police department ever since the murder of George Floyd on Memorial Day when an ex-officer pressured his knee onto Floyd's neck.
Bail money is set for the three ex-officers for the amoiunt of $750,000, individually, after helping ex-cop Peter Chauvin on the murder of George Floyd.