It's been a long time with consideration on weather or not Donald Trump should be impeached as a result of his abusive power, and constructive of congress, in Michigan, ever since he stepped foot in the Wite House on January, 17, 2017. However, that all changed moments ago when congress finally came to an agreement that he should be impeached.
According to CNN, the votes made by congress was nowhere near close as the numbers showed Democrats 230 to Republicans 197. There is no update as to who will succeed Trump's position as president until the 2020 election.

His impeachment was set after years of his public wrong-doing even before he was elected president when the russians were involved of his voting scheme which allowed him to step foot in office. Afterwards, the United States has been through chaotic situations like separation of families through his Family Separation Policy.
Although he's impeached due to his abusive power, Trump remains in office as president.