One goal that reins in mind is ensure that her music is relatable when New York Singer Azana releases music. However, she provides a mixture of hip hop qualities within her craft to stand out in the music business.
With her full commitment on any assignment in music, Azana is dedicated to ensure that the results shows success... whether it's a performance or a new single release. Azana's focus leads her to the future as the singer prepares to release a new project real soon.

Check Out Azana's Interview Below As She Discussed Her Passion For Music, Advise That She Received That Keeps Her Moving, And Ideas Based On A Project Release:
New For People: When did you decide to pursue a career in music?
Azana: I always loved music since I was young and everyone around me knew I could sing cause I would post clips of me singing on my social media or Talent shows and. I recorded a few songs a couple of years ago and another one last year and would never put out these records because truthfully I did not like how I sounded on any of them. It wasn't until January when I recorded my song "Feel Me" I knew I had something going. I was starting to find my sound. People liked it, I mean really liked it! More than I expected honestly. After that, I knew I couldn't let up or turn back. I'm in it now and I'm here to stay.
News For People: How would you describe your music?
Azana: I would describe my music as r&b with a twist of hip hop. Also very relatable. I want my audience to listen to my music and be able to feel every word I'm saying. Whenever I write my music I always think about what's going to grab their attention and make them want to listen more. I make music that's diverse. Whether you're looking for a vibe, wanna feel sexy, need to get in your bag, or simply just wanna dance. There's no limit. News For People: What makes your music stand out from other artists in r&b music?
Azana: My style. The way my music flow. and my ability to switch up News For People: Who are some of your influences in r&b music?
Azana: I am a huge Beyonce fan, I go extremely hard for her lol yes I am one of THOSE haha. I spent a lot of time studying her work ethic, the way she performs, and how connects with her fans when she's on stage performing. I hope to meet her one day, I actually think I might pass out. Some others would include Kehlani, Ella Mai, Tink, and Summer Walker. News For People: What are some of your inspirations that you include in your music?
Azana: I get inspired by my own situations. My music comes out the best when It's something I relate to because then there's a story behind it and writing it is so much easier. Typically I get inspired by past relationships with men whether it's romance, sexually, or just being over it period because that's what I know how to speak on best. As women, we go through a lot of emotions and I know other women like me and men can relate as well. News For People: What are your thoughts on the current status of r&b music?
Azana: R&B is on a whole other level now! these artists aren't just singing about typical things that you would hear from an R&B artist before. Now, their lyrics really talk to you. Whether it's explicit or not it's relatable and they're speaking on subjects you usually wouldn't even hear an R&B artist say before and I love it! My absolute favorite who does this is Brent Faiyaz and anyone who's a fan of him like me knows EXACTLY what I'm talking about. Also, more people are starting to get in tune with R&B music because the sound is changing in so many ways. Now a lot of artists are incorporating other genres into R&B like hip hop, pop, afro beats, dancehall, etc. It's just so many ways you can go with it.
News For People: What was the process of putting your single "So Perfect" together like as an artist?
Azana: Basically one day I was listening to beats on youtube and I came across this one beat that was just so fire to me I couldn't stop listening to it and as I'm listening to it the first line that came to my head was "When you go down on me oh it's so amazing" and I just went with it. So off rip, I knew that was going to be the vibe for the song. And then I thought to myself how cool would it be to have two women singing about getting pleasure from a man? because I honestly haven't heard anything like that. So hit up one of my closest friends who is also my roommate Sada who I know as Jasmine and asked her how she felt about being on a song. She was not jacking it at first but after a little convincing she was all in. I also trusted Sada because she's a writer like me. Song probably took us about three weeks to write and we recorded the song at my friend MJ's crib in Buffalo. We spent literally the WHOLE day recording this one song and I went home that night and listened to it raw and heard so many things that needed fixing. We came back again a few days later and fixed up the whole song. it took about a then had MJ send it to his producer Mike Grant in queens who mixed and mastered the song for us. Song took us about a week to finish and came out amazing! It's still my favorite and I listen to it on a regular basis. News For People: Are you working on a project that people can expect?
Azana: Very soon. Within due time. I'm still working on growing a fan base. because when I do put out a body of work I want it to be BIG!! The project will be an EP with most likely 6 or 7 songs, nothing too crazy but its gonna be DIFFERENT! I don't even truly think yall are ready, to be honest!! News For People: Do you have any artists in mind who you would like to collaborate with someday?
Azana: yes. Tink, Kehlani, Jacques, Rah Swish, Bobby Soxx, Sleepy Hallow, Bahja Rodriguez and Eric Bellinger. News For People: What do you want people to know about you as an artist?
Azana: That I am truly passionate in everything I do and put. Just know that every song, every video, every graphic, every performance, anything under my name I put my absolute ALL into. Either 100 percent or nothing at all. Music means everything to me and I want people to love my music as much as I do. News For People: What motivates you to continue your journey in the music industry?
Azana: The support. I receive a lot of support from my followers, my friends, and family and it lets me know that I'm doing something right. All the messages, the reposts, the shares, comments, I see it all and I Thank yall so much!!! xoxoxo News For People: What advice would you give to a young r&b artist who is also perusing a career in music?
Azana: 1.) Have a team. As much as we like to think we can do everything ourselves we really cant. You need a team to help you. People who are solid that you trust can get the job done. People that fit into your style and work just as hard as you. 2.) Have a plan. Ask yourself what are you trying to gain from this. Make goals and set them for yourself. 3.) Step out of your comfort zone. If it doesn't make you feel uncomfortable how will you grow? 4.) INVEST INVEST INVEST! you want the best, you gotta invest. Money talks. News For People: What else can people expect from you as an r&b artist?
Azana: Creativity. I love making music but I'm also into fashion and different looks. Prepare to see some dope photoshoots with wavy concepts. I also want to get into songwriting for other R&B artists. News For People: Is there anything else you would like to add?
Azana: Thank you for the opportunity to be apart of this interview. Make sure you guys follow me on IG and twitter: @azanamusic_ and stream my new single "Let U Go" on all music platforms. See yall at the top! xoxox