With this year coming to a close, R&B singer Carriesa already has plans set for 2020 as leader of C2R Music Group, but she's not alone because the singer has signed artists with a talented voice of their own.
In addition to her role as leader, she also has a blueprint of her own to represent herself in the music scene as she interprets not only R&B music to her materials as an artist but also includes pop and gospel which represents her as a diverse artist.

Check out Carriesa's interview below where she details her ep; "Blue Diaries, "followed by her vision in music, artists who she would like to collab with, and 2020 plans with her team.
News For People: When did you decide to pursue a career in music?
Carriesa: At the age of 7. That's when I started playing the piano, and when I was 9, 10 years old I started singing, and playing in churches.
News For People: Who are some of your influences in music?
Carriesa: Some of my major influences are Toni Braxon, Brandy, Aretha Franklin, and Chaka Khan.
News For People: What is the background story of the record label you own, entitled C2R Music Group?
Carriesa: C2R is actually something I started a few years ago. I really.y just got back into it l last year right before I released my first single. C2R is just something I alma.ys dreamed of doing since I was a kid. I always wanted to own my own label. I always wanted to help others chase their journey.
News For People: How has the journey been since the launch of C2R Music Group?
Carriesa: It's been very progressive. Especially this year after I released my second single. Things have changed for the better. We have big things coming in 2020. We have a couple of artists we've signed, we have a couple of more artists that we're negotiating with currently. It's gonna be a game changer of course.
News For people: How is the concept of signing new artists going for your record label; C2R Music Group?
Carriesa: We're very open-minded. Right now, it's just myself; which I do R&B, Soul, pop, and Gospel. Some of the artists I have do pop, and country. Two of the artists we're looking into are rappers their rap singers. We're trying to keep it very open.
News For People: How do you find the to manage your own record label, and work with the record label; Unity Navasota you are signed to at the moment?
Carriesa: As far as the group, we do more things collectively. We're now at a position where we can need to achieve what we wanna do individually, and then still need to achieve collectively.
News For People: What did you contribute to your ep "Blue Diaries" to make it stand out?
Carriesa: The back story about this ep is literally when I was growing up, I used to keep diaries. A couple of them were blue. Blue is just one of my favorite colors so I decided to call it "Blue Diaries," and the stories, lyrics, and songs comes straight from my diary. Literally, like things that I've been through or felt.
News For People: With your experience as a pop, gospel, and R&B artist, did you plan on including all aspects of your techniques for your ep "Blue Diaries?"
Carriesa: It's 6 completely different songs that don't really match well togeter. One song is literally me talking to God. Their are other songs where I'm in my feelings. It has totally different meanings, and I'm y opinion, totally different genres.
News For People: How do you plan to stand out in the music business, knowing that you include three different genres in your music, like pop, gospel, and R&B?
Carriesa: I think it's literally just by standing out, and not trying to be like everybody else because I think that's part of the problem. Music nowadays, especially the way it's progressing, everything is starting to sound too much alike. I think with me, my voice, and my stories, can stay relatable. That's the way I can continue stand out. It's not about money or publishing. I just want people to hear my stories, and hopefully they can relate and see what I got through, and I just want them to hear me. i don't want them to just hear the song.
News For People: Are there any artists who you would like to collaborate with in the future?
Carriesa: There's so many people I would like to collaborate with. I would love to collaborate with Brandy, Missy Elliot. I would like to work with chance The Rapper or Party Next Door.
News For People: are there any artists featured on your ep "Blue Diaries?"
Carriesa: No, their not signed to my record label. Kennis Clark actually wrote a couple of the songs on my ep. He's featured on one of those songs. He wrote "Feelings" on my ep, and he also co-wrote "Wasting My Time," the remix on my ep. He's feature on "Wasting My time" as well.
News For People: Is there anything else that people can expect from you in the music industry?
Carriesa: I'm currently working on a couple of music videos. It will hopefully be released early 2020, spring or summer. I'm also looking to release new music, cover songs, and a few of my artists are gonna release some stuff as well. We have a lot of stuff for 2020. I'm currently working on putting together a tour, sometime before the fall of 2020.
News For People: Is there anything else you would like to add?
Carriesa: Follow me on social media; Instagram. Just wanna thank you for your support. Just wanna thank everybody for their support and love.